Is awarded at the end of the year to a cadet who is currently in Level 1. The staff, with input from senior cadets, looks at Attendance, General Impressions, Dress and Deportment, Volunteer Hours, and Participation in Squadron Activities. The cadet that demonstrates the best performance in all areas is selected to receive Best 1st Year.
Is awarded at the end of the year to a cadet who is currently in Level 2. The staff, with input from senior cadets, looks at Attendance, General Impressions, Dress and Deportment, Volunteer Hours, and Participation in Squadron Activities. The cadet that demonstrates the best performance in all areas is selected to receive Best 2nd Year.
Is awarded at the end of the year to a cadet who is currently in Level 3. The staff, with input from senior cadets, looks at Attendance, General Impressions, Dress and Deportment, Volunteer Hours, and Participation in Squadron Activities. The cadet that demonstrates the best performance in all areas is selected to receive Best 3rd Year.
Is awarded at the end of the year to a cadet who is currently in Level 4. The staff, with input from senior cadets, looks at Attendance, General Impressions, Dress and Deportment, Volunteer Hours, and Participation in Squadron Activities. The cadet that demonstrates the best performance in all areas is selected to receive Best 4th Year.
Is awarded at the end of the year to a cadet who is currently in Level 5. The staff, with input from senior cadets, looks at Attendance, General Impressions, Dress and Deportment, Volunteer Hours, and Participation in Squadron Activities. The cadet that demonstrates the best performance in all areas is selected to receive Best 5th Year.
Awarded to the cadet who has improved the most with drill, dress, proficiency and knowledge.
Awarded to the cadet with the top drill, dress, proficiency and knowledge of the cadet program and for overall service to the unit.
Awarded to the junior cadet selected as having the most citizenship and cadet volunteer hours for the training year.
Awarded to the cadet selected as having the most citizenship volunteer hours for the training year.
The squadron Warrant Officers decide which cadet to award the Warrant Officer’s Achievement Award to. The Warrant Officer’s look for the following when choosing a candidate; How well the cadet is progressing through the training year, how reliant the cadet is, overall cadet knowledge, volunteer time, squadron participation, drill, dress, deportment, and versatility.
This award is given to the cadet in the squadron with the top shot.
For a cadet to receive the Perfect Attendance award they need to have joined before January 31st of that training year, and not missed a parade night or Remembrance Day (if joined before November 11th). The only exception given for this award is if the cadet was in the hospital during a parade night.
This presentation is for a cadet who is aging out of the squadron or leaving early for the Canadian Forces only. The cadet is presented with a pewter mug with a glass bottom with their rank, name, years of service, and the squadron crest. The cadet will also receive an age out certificate which states that they have completed the Air Cadet Training Syllabus. The cadets rank, name, years of service, summer courses, and squadron teams are listed on the certificate.
Cadet medals are worn over your right breast pocket, under the name tag. Medals that are a part of the Canadian Medals & Honours system are worn over your left breast pocket. It is illegal in Canada to wear medals not earned by oneself; even if they were earned by relatives. Medals are worn in order of precedence; with the highest-ranking medals worn closest to the center of the chest and above other medals. Cadet medals are worn in rows of three. CATO 13-16
The Lord Strathcona Trust Fund Medal, most commonly referred to as the Lord Strathcona Medal, is the highest award which can be bestowed upon a cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training. The medal, Certificate of Merit, and the lapel pin are awarded by the Lord Strathcona Trust. View CATO
The Medal and the accompanying Certificate of Merit are awarded by the Lord Strathcona Trust. The issue and wearing of the LSM is authorized by the Chief of the Defense Staff. Each Air Cadet Squadron may award one Medal in each training year, but the award of the Medal is to be based solely on the availability of a worthy candidate. Awarding the LSM annually is not mandatory and should not be a matter of custom for a particular appointment or by seniority alone. The Squadron Commanding Officer determines whether a LSM should be awarded each year, but he is encouraged to seek the recommendations of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. The LSM is provided through the Area Cadet Officer and is presented by the Reviewing Officer at the squadron’s annual ceremonial review.
Selection Criteria:
Have a high level of physical fitness
Have attended at least one summer training course of three weeks in duration.
Have qualified to training level not below level 3.
Have met all the requirements of their squadron’s mandatory training program and attended at least 75% of the scheduled training parades in the year of nomination.
Have met all requirements of their squadrons optional/support training program and participated inn at least 50% of scheduled activities in the year of nomination.
Have completed three years as a cadet.
Be regarded by peers and supervisors as exemplifying the model cadet.
The Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence (RCLCME) is awarded in recognition for individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement. The Royal Canadian Legion sponsors the cadet program and this medal. View CATO
Each Air Cadet Squadron may award one RCLCME each training year, provided a worthy candidate is available. The main theme in awarding the RCLCME is to emphasize the citizenship aspects of the Cadet program. The Squadron Commanding Officer is the approving authority for the award of the medal, but he is encouraged to seek the active participation of the local Legion authorities and the recommendations of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. The RCLCME will normally be presented by a suitable Legion representative at the Squadron’s annual ceremonial review.
Selection Criteria:
Met all the requirements of the squadrons annual mandatory and optional training programs.
Participated in a minimum of three community service events in addition to those supported by the cadet unit through its local corps / squadron program.
Regarded by peers and superiors as exemplifying the model cadet.
The Colonel Robert Perron Fitness Award (hereafter called the Colonel Perron Award) recognizes outstanding achievement in physical fitness. This National Award will be presented annually to the Cadet who attains the highest physical fitness test score. Cadets from the Army, Navy and Air elements are eligible to apply for this Award. View CATO
Air Cadets who wish to apply for this Award should contact their Commanding Officer or Training Officer, who will provide pertinent information about the Award and, where applicable, arrange for the Cadet to be tested in accordance with established guidelines.
The Air Cadet League of Canada has created an award to recognize continuous meritorious cadet service of at least four years by deserving air cadets. To qualify for this award, a serving cadet must have successfully completed four years of honourable service with no serious infractions and be recommended by the Cadet Squadron Commanding Officer. Furthermore, eligible service is portable between air cadet squadrons. Air Cadets are also eligible to receive a Bar for the Air Cadet Service Medal for each year of training completed beyond the four-year qualifying period. A rosette will also be provided for the undress ribbon.
[ANAVETS] The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS), as a legacy to its desire to promote excellence and awareness of the Canadian Cadet Organization (CCO), have established the ANAVETS Cadet Medal of Merit). One medal will be awarded to the top cadet, male or female for each course listed below at each CSTC even if the cadet has already received the ANAVETS Cadet Medal of Merit for another course. Cadets who receive more than one ANAVETS medal are authorized to wear only one ANAVETS medal on their uniform. View CATO
One medal shall be awarded at each CTC to the top cadet, male and female, for each of the following courses:
The selection of the recipients shall be based on the following criteria:
The Air Force Association of Canada (AFAC) has established annual awards to be presented to Air cadets for excellence demonstrated on the Glider Pilot Scholarship (GPS) and the Power Pilot Scholarship (PPS). One medal shall be awarded to the top cadet, male or female, on both the GPS and the PPS at each of the five Regional Gliding Schools; this means five medals for the GPS and five medals for the PPS for a total of ten medals each year.
The Cadet Certificate of Commendation may be awarded by the Canadian Forces to an Air Cadet for outstanding gallantry in saving lives or property of others. This pin is worn over the left breast pocket, below any Canadian Honours or pilot wings. View CATO
The recommendation shall be initiated by the Air Cadet Squadron Commanding Officer and forwarded by the Sponsoring Committee through their Provincial Committee to League Headquarters. Comments by the Provincial Committee will be sent with the recommendation to League Headquarters. The decision of the Executive Committee of the League will be forwarded to National Defence Headquarters where the recommendations will be considered by the Canadian Cadet Movement (CCM), National Honours and Awards Committee before presentation for final approval by the Chief of the Defence Staff. The Executive Director of the Air Cadet League is a member of that Committee which is chaired by the Director of Cadets.
The Cadet Award of Bravery may be awarded to a cadet who performs an outstanding deed of valour involving risk of life in attempting to save the life or property of others. View CATO
The recommendation shall be initiated by the Air Cadet Squadron Commanding Officer and forwarded by the Sponsoring Committee through their Provincial Committee to League Headquarters. Comments by the Provincial Committee will be sent with the recommendation to League Headquarters. The decision of the Executive Committee of the League will be forwarded to National Defence Headquarters where the recommendations will be considered by the Canadian Cadet Movement (CCM), National Honours and Awards Committee before presentation for final approval by the Chief of the Defence Staff. The Executive Director of the Air Cadet League is a member of that Committee which is chaired by the Director of Cadets.