The squadron provides ground school for those cadets who are interested (and eligible) in pursuing a flying course within the Air Cadet Gliding Program. Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC) and Power Pilot Training Courses (PPTC) are available, and both are covered within the syllabus. in 2021 there was a move to the Air Cadet Online Ground School put on National by the air cadet program.
The sessions are held on Wednesday evenings at the squadron, from 1900-2130 hours. The sessions are to assist with questions that cadets may have from the Online Ground School as well some information covered is content from “From the Ground Up”. Cadets are encouraged to read the topics covered in class on their own to strengthen their knowledge base.
The sessions finish with mock exams at the end, followed by preparation for the qualification exam completed through the Online Ground School. After the qualification exam, cadets are prepped for their National Selection Board interview. The interviews are held during February and successful candidates are moved forward for potential selection as a Glider Pilot or Power Pilot recipient.